The annual earnings generated from each permanent endowed fund is used yearly to support the specific intent of each of these funds. The principal from each of these funds is never utilized even as it grows – “it lives forever” Only the annual earnings generated is used. Funds that are not endowed are used to respond to unanticipated community needs as well as cover administrative costs. Funding to help meet these needs is generated by fund raising events (e.g., Golf Annual Outing, Big Bash) and other contributions designated for that specific purpose (e.g., Chemical Bank fund).
If you are interested in forming an endowment for either, yourself or to honor a loved one, please contact one of our Directors. To view the endowment form, please click here.
Endowed Funds / Other Funding Sources
Chemical Bank Fund
Supports and helps fund the Discretionary Fund and its ability to meet unanticipated community needs that fall outside the Foundation’s normal application period/or existing endowed fund use criteria. Applications accepted throughout the year.
Community Outreach Endowments
The Community Endowment and Outreach Endowment support community projects and program grants for specific areas of interest such as the arts, health, environment, and recreation. Applications for these endowment are due on January 31st and August 31st of each year.
Discretionary Fund
A quick response fund that can be used to meet unanticipated community needs that fall outside the Foundation’s normal application periods/or existing endowed fund use criteria. Applications for these funds will be considered as they are submitted anytime throughout the year by the Board of Directors. Applications accepted throughout the year.
Education Endowment
Central Montcalm Public Schools (CMPS) are assisted by this fund through grants/scholarships for student enrichment programs that enhance student learning and improve self-esteem. Teachers and administrators can apply for grants each year and the Foundation’s Grant committee makes recommendations to the Foundation. Applications for this endowment are due October 1st of each year.
C. Homer and Charlotte L. Miel Endowment
This endowment will provide funding for discretionary education grants to teachers or administrators of Central Montcalm Public Schools for various projects they may want to do which have been approved by the Foundation Board of Directors. Applications are due October 1 of each year.
Penny’s Way, Food & Clothing Funds
Tom and Cathy Mall initiated a matching grant challenge in 2007 of up to $50,000 to establish this fund. The challenge was met and the Fund’s purpose is to provide financial assistance to 501(c)(3) organizations that distribute food and clothing to those in need within the borders of Montcalm County. Recommendations from the FEMA Local Food and Emergency Shelter Board (or other reputable organizations such as EightCAP) will be used to help determine who qualifies and needs help the most. The endowment was named in memory of Penny Thomsen, a Central Montcalm employee who demonstrated great compassion for the children in the area. Applications are accepted throughout the year.
Youth and Senior Endowment
This endowment was established in 2010. The endowment provides funding for health, wellness and enrichment programs throughout our community. Applications are due August 31st of each year.
Steve Strait Educational Fund for Innovative Teaching Practices Endowment
The purpose of this fund is to fund grants for teachers of Central Montcalm Public Schools for innovative projects or programs that improve teaching in order to impact learning. Application deadline: October 1st of each year
Brady Sexton Endowment
The purpose of this endowment is to provide funding for grants for Central Montcalm youth athletics. Application deadline: as needs arise.
Christian Outreach Education (CORE)
This grant is designed to provide community oriented programs for residents of the Central Montcalm Community. The grants request must be a collective collaboration between area churches consisting of agreement with three local ministers of at least two different denominations in order to be considered. Application deadline: as needs arise.
Mall Family Endowment
This endowment will provide funds each year for grants to be approved annually by Grants Committee and a Mall family member.
Mall Family Downtown Beautification Project Grant
The goal of this program is to support public and private organizations in our downtown area by beautifying our downtown districts and improving economic opportunities for all. Applicants should provide a project plan including a statement of work to be done, conceptual plan, and verification that the improvements meet all existing codes and ordinances of the local unit of government. The work plan should include two quotes from qualified contractors for the work to be performed. Applicants should identify all funding sources including other potential grant funds that they may have received for this project.
Dr. Victor Beal Jr. Scholarship
Education and service were very important to Dr. Beal who graduated from Central Montcalm High School as valedictorian in 1949. He served his country as a member of the U. S. Army for 1953-1955. He attended Michigan State University for his Bachelor’s and Purdue University for his PhD. For the rest of his career he worked for the US Department of Agriculture in Washington DC. The scholarship is awarded each year to a student from CMHS with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and planning to attend MSU. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Ronald R. Burkholder Athletic and Educational Scholarship
Mr. Burkholder was an avid sports fan, especially when his grandchildren were involved. After losing his battle to lung cancer in 2003, the Burkholder family established an athletic scholarship from memorial contributions received and continues to grow from annual contributions. The scholarship goes to a Central Montcalm graduating senior involved in athletics and accepted for admission by a four year college. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Leo Gurecki Athletic and Educational Scholarship
The Gurecki family started this endowment from memorial contributions received after the loss of Mr. Gurecki in 2003. Leo was always involved in school sports and tried to attend every event in which his children and grandchildren were involved. Leo lived and worked in the Central Montcalm community all of his life, retiring from Bookwalter Motor Sales in 1985. The scholarship goes to a Central Montcalm graduating senior involved in athletics with first choice going to students attending Central Michigan University and second choice going to students attending Ferris State University. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Isabella Bank Scholarship
An annual scholarship funded by Isabella Bank which goes to a Central Montcalm graduating senior attending a four year Michigan college or community college that has demonstrated community involvement through service/volunteerism and has a 3.0 or greater GPA. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Korson Family Endowment
This endowment is for Central Montcalm students planning to attend Central Michigan University or continuing their education at CMU in the School of Business. Wayne received his Bachelor’s degree from CMU in 1971 in Accounting and Economics. The family has stayed very active on campus and with the School of Business. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
William McCarthy Endowment
The Montcalm County Sheriff’s Office initiated this endowment in 2010. The endowment will grant a scholarship to a student from Montcalm County who has completed one year in a Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement program. Applications due March 29th of each year.
Montcalm Area Intermediate School District (MAISD) Education Endowment
The MAISD has teamed up with the CMCF to establish an Endowed Fund for Montcalm County students. The MAISD Education Endowment will provide scholarships as they matriculate to post-secondary education and technical training. These scholarship funds are for students who have an Individual Education Program (IEP) and attend school in Montcalm County. As the fund grows, additional scholarships will be developed to assist students who attend programs developed by the MAISD. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Kevin Seymour Athletic & Academic Scholarship
Kevin graduated, with honors, from CMHS in 1995. He was a year-round athlete, involved in many sports during his high school years. This scholarship endowment, given by his wife, family and friends, invests in Central Montcalm students’ futures for years to come and is given to a student who is both an athlete and a National Honor Society member. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Bill Thwaites Athletic & Education Scholarship
Bill Thwaites was a valued teacher and athletic coach for many years at Central Montcalm High School. This fund was established following Bill’s death in 2002 to assist graduating seniors involved with the Central Montcalm Athletic Program that plan on attending a four year or community college. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Norbert & Jackie Vander Steen WMU Endowment
This scholarship was originally established by Norb, Jackie’s husband, in 2009. Since Norb's passing, the family amended the scholarship to pay tribute to both Vander Steen's. Jackie loved Aviation and took a part time job to pay for flying lessons and soloed shortly after her seventeenth birthday. Jackie loved being a teacher and received her degree from Western Michigan University (WMU). Norb was also a graduate of WMU, graduating in 1953. He originally had intentions of going into education however, he accepted a position with the Bell system and later with AT&T. Norb served on the CMCF Board and was a huge supporter of education. This scholarship is intended to provide students from CMPS who are interested in aviation or education and are planning on attending WMU. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and a commitment to volunteerism, extra-curricular activities and leadership in their school and community. If no student qualifies for the above criteria, consideration will be given to first, students attending Western Michigan University not majoring in Education or Aeronautics; second, students attending Montcalm Community College and intending to transfer to Western Michigan University; and third, students attending Montcalm Community College. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Doug and Nancy Chapin Family Endowment
This endowment is to provide scholarships to CMPS grads who have a 3.0 GPA, 2 sport varsity letters, and planning on attending Central Michigan University, Michigan State University, or Ferris State University. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Ernest (Bud) and Nancy Rogers Family Endowment
This endowment is to provide scholarships to CMPS graduates who plan to attend a four year college or university, community college or trade school in Michigan. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Hansen Family Endowment
Stanton Union High School is where the Hansen's met as students in 1959. Lloyd, the son of Fred and Virginia Hansen of Stanton and Judy, the daughter of Arlo and Alice Gould of Crystal, have fond memories of their high school years. Lloyd graduated from Stanton Union High in 1960 and Judy in 1961; they were married on June 15, 1963. Lloyd graduated from Michigan State University and Judy from Oakland University and are now living their senior years in the Grand Rapids area. It gives them great pleasure to help Stanton area students with their college education costs. This scholarship is intended to provide assistance to a student from CMPS who is majoring in engineering. Criteria for this scholarship is as follows: student must be attending Michigan State University majoring in Engineering; second, any student attending Michigan State University; third, any student attending any Michigan college majoring in engineering; and lastly, any student attending any Michigan four year college.
Erik Thomas Golf and Educational Scholarship Fund
Erik Thomas was a lifelong resident of Stanton and graduated from Central Montcalm in 1989. This fund was started by his wife, daughter, family and friends, following his death in 2018. Erik was an avid golfer and graduated from the Golf Academy of the South. Consideration will be given to a graduating CM senior accepted into the PGA Golf Management program at Ferris State University; second, a renewal of the original scholarship; third, a graduating CM senior golfer attending any golf management school in the USA; fourth, a graduating CM senior golfer planning to attend Ferris State University (priority) or Central Michigan University and fifth, if no one meets the above criteria, a graduating senior band member attending Ferris State University (priority) or Central Michigan University.
Harold Springsteen Endowment
The Harold Springsteen Memorial Fund was established by his wife, Dorothy, and her family to provide a scholarship to a graduating student from Central Montcalm High School. Harold was the Superintendent of CMPS for many of his years in education, retiring in 1984. This scholarship would be awarded to a student who plans to attend a four year college/university, or to attend Montcalm Community College with the intent of transferring to a Michigan university to receive a degree in education. The student's behavior exemplifies good grades, good citizenship and a good work ethic. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Petersen Family Endowment
The Petersen Family Endowment was set up in 2017. The endowment remembers and honors Sherry and Corey Petersen. The purpose of this endowment is to provide a scholarship for a graduating Central Montcalm student with a 3.0 GPA, attending Grand Valley State University with an interest in music. The scholarship is renewable up to 4 years to the student that receives it. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Jack and Jan Pearl Endowment
Both, Jack and Jan, were educators for Central Montcalm Public Schools prior to retirement. This scholarship will be awarded to a Central Montcalm graduate who plans to attend Central Michigan University. Although this scholarship is not yet eligible for disbursement, the application deadline will be March 29th of each year.
Thomas Wittkopp Endowment
Mr. Wittkopp is a graduate of Central Montcalm and has established a scholarship for a CM senior who plans to attend a Michigan college or university to pursue a degree in health care management, a science career or enrollment in allied health education. Although this scholarship is not yet eligible for disbursement, the application deadline will be March 29th of each year.
William J. Seiter, Jr., Ph.D. Endowment Fund
Education was highly valued by Dr. Seiter and his professional career was a testament to him making things better for the community, teachers, students and the special education community. He studied at Ferris State University, Central Michigan University and completed his Doctorate in Education from Michigan State University. Dr. Seiter began his teaching career in Carson City in 1958. He later became a school psychologist, Director of Special Education and then Superintendent of the Montcalm Area Intermediate School District for over 30 years. Dr. Seiter’s family established this endowment to assist any Montcalm County high school graduating senior with acceptance to a Michigan college or university to pursue a minimum of a 2-year degree or a trade/technical program receiving a minimum of a 1-year degree or certificate. The recipient must be a student with good grades, good citizenship and a good work ethic. Applications are due March 29th of each year.
Haylie Schneider Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was created by Haylie Schneider's family in honor of her 21st birthday. The fund will provide scholarships to students in Montcalm County who are pursuing higher education in the special education field. Students do not have to be high school seniors.